UCSD Xaqa Racfaanka


The role of the Hearing Officer is advisory only to the Superintendent of Schools. After receipt of the decision of the Superintendent of Schools, parents(s)/advocate(s) have the right to file an appeal of the decision of the Superintendent to the Board of Education. This right to appeal includes the right to contest both the finding(s) of the Superintendent as to whether to sustain the disciplinary charges brought by the District, as well as to the recommended penalty to be imposed.

Haddii aad doorato inaad rafcaan ka qaadato go'aankaas, waxaad ku samayn kartaa, qoraal, labaatan (30) maalmood gudahooda laga bilaabo taariikhda go'aanka qoran ee Kormeeraha Guud, ilaa:

Guddiga Waxbarashada
Degmada Dugsiga Magaalada Utica
929 York Street
Utica, NY 13502

Ugu dambeyntii, go'aan kasta oo ka soo baxa Guddiga Waxbarashada Degmada waxaa laga yaabaa in rafcaan looga qaato Guddoomiyaha Waxbarashada Gobolka New York, qoraal ahaan, soddon (30) maalmood gudahooda ee taariikhda rafcaanka Guddiga Waxbarashada, ilaa:

Guddoomiyaha Waxbarashada
Waaxda Waxbarashada ee Gobolka New York
89 Waddada Washington
Albany, NY 12234

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